Financial solutions for your business

Chris Rigby Associates Limited is a business consultancy that provides services to the business market using many years banking experience including senior management roles with two global banking groups.


Structured Funding

We can introduce potential Funding Providers (such as Banks and other Lending Institutions) where funds are needed to improve Cash Flow and Profitability, assist with asset purchase and other business requirements, whilst mitigating financial and business risk.

Liason & Negotiation

We support liason and negotiation with Banks and other Finance & Funding Providers to assist in building relationships.

Planning & Forecasting

We provide business solutions through assistance with business planning and forecasting, business development opportunities and introductions to Banks, Lenders, Accountants, Lawyers and other such professionals.

Developing B2B

We acknowledge that “people buy people” and keep that as a fundamental factor in opening doors for clients through connectivity and developing business to business partnerships.